Hemorrhoidal Artery Embolization
An effective, non-surgical treatment for hemorrhoids
Traditional surgery to treat chronic hemorrhoids—called hemorrhoidectomy—is known for its long and often painful recovery. Today, there is a new and minimally invasive option to permanently treat hemorrhoids and alleviate symptoms: Hemorrhoidal artery embolization (HAE).
Who suffers from hemorrhoids?
About half of all Americans will experience hemorrhoids in their lifetimes. In most cases, hemorrhoids will go away on their own or with diet changes, topical treatments, medications or supplements. But they can also persist and cause bleeding, itching and painful bowel movements.
If conservative treatments have failed and symptoms persist, the potential complications of hemorrhoids and resulting painful conditions can include:
- Perianal thrombosis
- Incarcerated prolapsed hemorrhoids
- Anemia
- Blood clots
- Blood loss (due to a burst hemorrhoid)
- Infection
- Skin tags

What causes hemorrhoids?
Most people have the wrong idea about hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are actually swollen veins inside the lower rectum or under the skin around the anus, similar in nature to varicose veins. They most commonly occur in those between 45 and 65 years of age.
They may be caused by an increase in pressure in the lower rectum through one or more of the following factors:
- Sitting for long periods
- Straining or excessive exercise
- Spinal cord injury
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Being overweight
- Pregnancy or childbirth
- Family history
A diet high in fiber, as well as drinking plenty of fluids and getting regular exercise can help prevent hemorrhoids.
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What are my hemorrhoid treatment options?
Conservative treatment for hemorrhoids may include diet changes, topic treatments (such as an over-the-counter hemorrhoid cream), sitz baths and oral pain relievers (such as Tylenol). If the symptoms do not disappear, and if you are experiencing severe pain, bleeding, changes in bowel habits or changes to the color or consistency of your stools, you will want to talk with your doctor about other treatment options.
When conservative treatment has failed, hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure to remove them. However, surgery comes with risks and complications that can include infection, bleeding, difficulty emptying the bladder, rectal prolapse and more.1,2 Recovery takes at least 2 weeks, and it can be as long as 3-6 weeks before you feel normal again.
Another procedure, called rubber band ligation, is a less invasive technique that has been used more commonly in the last few years. However, this approach is also associated with pain and complications, especially for those taking anti-platelet or anti-coagulant medication and who have a higher risk of hemorrhage and infectious complications.3
A new and minimally invasive option to treat hemorrhoids is called hemorrhoidal artery embolization (HAE). This is typically recommended for patients with grade 1 to 3 internal hemorrhoids who have not responded to conservative treatment.

The hemorrhoidal artery embolization (HAE) procedure
HAE is performed by an interventional radiologist who inserts a tiny catheter into an artery in your upper thigh and then uses x-ray imaging to guide it through the body’s blood vessels to the rectal artery. Special coils are inserted into the artery to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink. The success rate of this procedure is greater than 90%.4
Unlike surgery, there is no general anesthesia required for the procedure, no incisions and no scarring. You are able to return home the same day and resume your normal activities.
Talk to your doctor about HAE
This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis by the experienced doctors at National Vascular Physicians. If your doctor is not familiar with hemorrhoidal artery embolization, we are happy to help provide them with the information they need to make an informed recommendation.
Our doctors are fellowship trained in vascular and interventional radiology. With more than 13 years of education and training, they are among the most highly trained doctors practicing medicine today and are uniquely qualified to provide both diagnostic evaluations as well as the required treatment.
If you believe you are a candidate for HAE, we invite you to schedule a consultation with us. We are happy to work with your doctor(s) and other members of your care team to find the right treatment for your specific condition.